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Fall seven times, stand up eight.
You create them.
Like George Washington, Sandys believed that telling the truth is always the way to go.
Finally, Actions speak louder than words is another classic example.
Let’s talk about that.
Build a storyline around that saying.
What is an Aphorism.
If you do, you agree with George Herbert’s famous aphorism from his book, Outlandish Proverbs.
Nanakorobi yaoki.
Remember that.
Aphorism Examples in Everyday Speech
He’s earned that title because he’s authored dozens of aphorisms.
It originated from Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie’s poem Tout vient a qui sait attendre.
Your stories can benefit from this method too.
How do aphorisms differ from adages and proverbs.
Guy standing at a bookshelf
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